Promoting an integral formation of the person based on the Ignatian tradition

We want to offer people a new way of understanding the world

Working for a new and deeper mutual exchange of gifts of the kind that St Ignatius evokes at the end of his Spiritual Exercises

We want to encourage them to try to make it better

Who we Are

We are a network of higher education institutions linked to the Society of Jesus in Europe and the Near East. Our institutions aim to offer a different type of education. An integral formation of the individual based on the Ignatian charism that promotes four dimensions of: utilitas, humanitas, iustitia, and most importantly, fides.





Last News

Kircher Network General Assembly in Bilbao

From the 1st to the 3rd of July the University of Deusto hosted the annual Kircher Network General Assembly. The main goals for this year's assembly were six: Decision on the approval of the Strategic Plan Report on the Network's developments and finances and...

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