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“El hombre en Dios. La Encarnación en el pensamiento teológico y filosófico de Francisco Suárez”
Julio Söchting Herrera More information contact
Other Publications
“Zwischen Dogma und Erfahrung, Erkundungen zum Grund des Glaubens”
("Between dogma and experience, explorations into the ground of belief") Authors: von Dirk Ansorge und Bernhard Knorn (eds) The credibility of arguments in the religious field is often attributed to personal authenticity. This gives both immediate experience and...
“Grundwissen Psychologie, Lehrbuch für Theologie und Seelsorge”
("Basic knowledge of psychology, textbook for theology and pastoral care") Authors: von Klaus Kießling, Agnes Engel, Theresia Strunk, Hermann-Josef Wagener Theology and pastoral care are dedicated to people in search of God. In experiencing people, in speaking with...
Walking with Ignatius (Caminando con Ignacio)
Society of Jesus. Superior General Rev. Arturo Sosa, S.J. Book in English Book in...