Canisius Formation: Course on Identity and Mission

The Canisius Formation The Kircher Network’s Formation course on Identity and Mission of Jesuit higher education institutions – The Canisius Formation – is an introductory immersion experience for faculty and staff of the Kircher Network member institutions who want to gain a foundation in Ignatian identity and spirituality and Jesuit higher education mission. Through the […]

About the Project

The Canisius Formation

The Kircher Network’s Formation course on Identity and Mission of Jesuit higher education institutions – The Canisius Formation – is an introductory immersion experience for faculty and staff of the Kircher Network member institutions who want to gain a foundation in Ignatian identity and spirituality and Jesuit higher education mission.

Through the course, participants obtain a foundation in Ignatian identity, spirituality and mission; gain a foundation in the core characteristics of Jesuit higher education; and develop a sense of belonging to a European and global Ignatian community with a mission beyond the university/centre.


Requirements & Application Process

Requirements for participating will be updated each edition.

Audiovisual Materials

You can access the audiovisual materials of the pilot edition here:


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