About Us


Quoted to be “the last man who knew everything”, Athanasius Kircher was an intellectual and a Jesuit Priest that made contributions in many academic fields like theology, geology, and medicine.

Our mission

To strengthen the sense
of shared apostolic mission
among its member Jesuit institutions
in all aspects of academic life.

Our vision

To become an international and multicultural body
so that we are more fruitful in the divine service
than we could ever be as a collection of individuals.

Strategic Plan


Teaching, through exchanges of staff and students, and the development of shared programmes.

Research, through collaboration in areas of particular relevance to the Society’s apostolic preferences, such as forced migration, ecology, the relief of poverty, interreligious dialogue, and Ignatian studies.

Life according to the Ignatian charism, through making available to students and staff the resources of Ignatian spirituality for inspiration, hope, constructive reflection, and pedagogical practice.

Administration, through the creative pooling of resources, and through sharing experience of good practice, notably as regards collaboration between Jesuits and their apostolic partners.

In association with the Society of Jesus by promoting fruitful connections with Jesuit superiors, and with the other Jesuit services within the Church of Christ’s mission – notably centres for social reflection and cultural reviews.


The Kircher Network functions under the auspices of the President of JCEP. Its main organs are the General Assembly and the Council.

The General Assembly serves as the chief forum for building bilateral and multilateral relations amongst the different institutions, as represented by their Presidents and Deans

Kircher Council

Philip Geister, S.J.

Philip Geister, S.J.


Gonzalo Villagrán, S.J.

Gonzalo Villagrán, S.J.


Dr. Annick Castiaux

Dr. Annick Castiaux


Jacek Poznański, S.J.

Jacek Poznański, S.J.


Dr. Susana Di Trolio

Dr. Susana Di Trolio

Executive Secretary