Best Practices in Jesuit Higher Education
Inspired by the spirit of collaboration and networking, the six regional higher education networks members of the International Association of Jesuit Universities-IAJU (AJCU, AUSJAL, AJCU-AM; AJCU-AP, JHEASA and the Kircher Network) has joined efforts in the «Best Practices in Jesuit High Education Program»
The Kircher Network is coordinating the initiative. The program is a global service platform combining the publication of an online newsletter with infographics and a magazine on best practices on Jesuit higher education, with the organization of webinars with the authors of the articles.
«IAJU Best Practices in Jesuit Higher Education Project» aims at:
Sharing best practices and know-how
Promoting academic collaboration
Encouraging reflection
Facilitating the exchange of quality knowledge
Identifying strategic colleagues in common areas and themes
We are glad to present the first two issue of the IAJU Best Practices in Jesuit Higher Education. You will find a collection of good practices in Ignatian Pedagogy and Pedagogical innovation developed by faculty members from Jesuit universities and colleges belonging to the six IAJU’s regional networks.
The third issue of Best Practices will be on the topic of Reconciliation. The call for manuscripts presenting best practices in Jesuit higher education will be launch in February 2022.
For more information, visit the IAJU´s website or contact us:
Best practices
Ignatian Pedagogy
Architecture workshop «heritage urban zones» An approach to a heritage context through analysis methodology
Maria del Pilar Álvarez López and José María Nava Townsend
Iberoamerican University (Mexico)
Clothing for people with disabilities
Cyntia Gómez Ramírez
Iberoamericana University (Mexico)
The Society of Jesus’ Universal Apostolic Preferences as an inspirational horizon for the landivariana humanistic formation
Dr. Juan Pablo Escobar Galo
Rafael Landivar University (Guatemala)
Pedagogical Innovation
Voices that transcend: a new way of looking, reflecting and transform educational work
Dr. María de las Mercedes Iglesias Sobero and Jazmin Guillen Arroyo
Iberoamerican University (Mexico)
«Dialogremos», a teachers’ evaluation model for improvement
Dr. María de las Mercedes Iglesias Sobero, Virginia Isidra Martínez Cruz, Dr. Raul Romero Lara, Dr. Mariana Sánchez Saldaña, Dr. Javier Loredo Enríquez, and Dr. Francisco Alvarado García
Iberoamericana University (Mexico)
Co-teaching in Higher Education: Best Practices
Dr. Birgit Strotmann, Dr. Lyndsay R. Buckingham, Dr. Alfonso López Hernández, and Arturo Peral Santamaría
Comillas Pontifical University (Spain)
Online inter-university tele-collaborations; a lively, diverse, participatory culture, emerging, with a human and ethical sense that promotes solutions for Latin American socio-environmental wellbeing
José Luis Jiménez
Andres Bello Catholic University (Venezuela)
The URL collaborates in the care of our common home, the Planet Earth
Gerardo Archilla Flores
Rafael Landívar University (Guatemala)
Integral ecology and sustainable development perspectives for the transformation of the institutional educational project of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Jairo H. Cifuentes
Javeriana Pontificial University Bogota (Colombia)
Ignatian Pedagogy + Pedagogical Innovation
The Upgrading process of the Iberoamericana University Puebla’s prep-college program
Alejandra Alpuche Vélez and Mónica A. Ayala Flores
Iberoamericana University Puebla (Mexico)
Design Thinking, innovation and entrepreneurship with an Ignatian stamp
Isabel Rodríguez López
Iberoamerican University (Mexico)
Building proximity in the distance
Dr. Manuel Del Moral Dávila
Iberoamerican University (Mexico)