Best Practices in Jesuit Higher Education

Inspired by the spirit of collaboration and networking, the six regional higher education networks members of the International Association of Jesuit Universities-IAJU (AJCU, AUSJAL, AJCU-AM; AJCU-AP, JHEASA and the Kircher Network) has joined efforts in the «Best Practices in Jesuit High Education Program»

The Kircher Network is coordinating the initiative. The program is a global service platform combining the publication of an online newsletter with infographics and a magazine on best practices on Jesuit higher education, with the organization of webinars with the authors of the articles.

«IAJU Best Practices in Jesuit Higher Education Project» aims at:


Sharing best practices and know-how


Promoting academic collaboration


Encouraging reflection


Facilitating the exchange of quality knowledge


Identifying strategic colleagues in common areas and themes

We are glad to present the first two issue of the IAJU Best Practices in Jesuit Higher Education. You will find a collection of good practices in Ignatian Pedagogy and Pedagogical innovation developed by faculty members from  Jesuit universities and colleges belonging to the six IAJU’s regional networks.

The third issue of Best Practices will be on the topic of Reconciliation. The call for manuscripts presenting best practices  in Jesuit higher education will be launch in February 2022.

For more information, visit the IAJU´s website or contact us:

Best practices

Pedagogical Innovation