HEST group from Ecology and Environmental Challenges

Brings together esteemed Jesuit institutions with the shared aim of scrutinizing environmental challenges. By capitalizing on existing initiatives, we strive to comprehend the wider societal implications and inform policy-making through the application of Jesuit values.

About the group

This cluster was conceived as an opportunity for Jesuit Higher Education Institutions in Europe to collaborate in building a narrative based on Laudato Si’ and on the CG36 decree.Some work has already been done, i.e. Stockholm Dialogue on Sustainability Science and Values and GIAN-Ecology Network, these initiatives are to be the foundations and the partners for the HEST Cluster on Ecology.

The concrete questions we are addressing are the following:

  • ­ What is the specific contribution that Jesuits can provide in this matters? Of the Jesuit values in this regard, which provide added value, what is unique and what has been done elsewhere. Are all Jesuit values covered by previous literature and research?
  • ­ How can we place environmental science in a broader societal context? Again, what has been done before and what can we add to that.
  • ­ What has been done about the social implications of environmental problems, which is also a part of environmental justice?
  • ­ How can we incorporate Jesuit values, the option for the poor and justice into real policy decision? (e.g. energy).