We invite you to check the website of the new course on the identity and mission of Jesuit Higher Education Institutions organized by the Kircher Network. This course aims to offer an introductory immersion experience and hybrid formation for our faculty, leader administrators, and staff who want to gain a foundation in Ignatian identity and the Jesuit higher education mission. Following the Ignatian Pedagogy traditions, the course seeks to be an integral experience comprising intellectual, interiority, and relational approaches. We envision the course as an educational endeavor and an exceptional opportunity for regional networking, fostering mutual understanding among the participants
The course, conducted in English, comprises three-day sessions in Vienna and three online meetings. It will start in September 2024, with an introductory webinar followed by three-day in-person sessions at the Society of Jesus’ Kardinal König Haus in Vienna (October 28, 29, and 30), and two follow-up webinars on Ignatian Leadership in November 2024.
For further information, contact kirchernetwork@jesuits.eu.