Study Week in Granada: Christian and Muslim relations

The Kircher Network’s HEST cluster on Christian Muslim Relations is hosting a Study Week in Granada focusing on “Christian and Muslim Relations: Bridging Intercultural Societies for Peace in Turbulent Times.” This program emphasizes fostering dialogue and understanding between Christian and Muslim communities, drawing from Al-Andalus’ history amidst global tensions. It is vital for students in […]

The Kircher Network’s HEST cluster on Christian Muslim Relations is hosting a Study Week in Granada focusing on “Christian and Muslim Relations: Bridging Intercultural Societies for Peace in Turbulent Times.” This program emphasizes fostering dialogue and understanding between Christian and Muslim communities, drawing from Al-Andalus’ history amidst global tensions. It is vital for students in theology, humanities, and political sciences to address challenges and promote conflictnational T resolution and harmony in today’s world. It will take place from June 30th to July 6th and applications are open for Kircher Network’s students of the mentioned faculties. The expenses will be covered for the first 12 applications.

Short description

The history of Al-Andalus remains powerfully present both in the current Islamic imaginary and in the identity debates of Spain. That period has become a myth of a scientific, refined, and tolerant plural society. Islam dreams of Al-Andalus as a lost paradise. On the other hand, Europe grapples with how to integrate that history into its own and not consider it a history “of the others.” That complex and diverse past, in its different stages, will certainly not return, but it can be a source of inspiration for thinking about the present of the new plural societies that extend on both shores of the Mediterranean. We intend to do this in this Study Week from an interreligious methodology.

If you are interested in participating, please contact

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