New ZTP Journal of Theology and Philosophy

The Journal is edited by a joint venture undertaken by Munich School of Philosophy, the Faculty for Catholic Theology at the University of Innsbruck, and the Sankt Georgen, Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology, Frankfurt. As an online journal with an accompanying print edition, the new periodical is designed to reorganize the two long-standing specialist […]

The Journal is edited by a joint venture undertaken by Munich School of Philosophy, the Faculty for Catholic Theology at the University of Innsbruck, and the Sankt Georgen, Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology, Frankfurt.

As an online journal with an accompanying print edition, the new periodical is designed to reorganize the two long-standing specialist journals –Theologie und Philosophie (ThPh) and the Zeitschrift für Katholische Theologie (ZKTh)– into an online with a print option. The Journal receives papers in English and German. Four times a year, ZTP will offer outstanding scholarly essays and reviews of current specialist publications.

Visit the website or get information on the call for papers. here

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