New HEST group on Humanization in Health

Higher education formation for humanized health is critical for the Sustainable Development Goals on «Good Health and Well-Being.» As a result of the Covid-19 global pandemic, this issue has become even more crucial for the formation and training of doctors and health professionals and health policy. Jesuit Higher Education is called to make a significant […]

Higher education formation for humanized health is critical for the Sustainable Development Goals on «Good Health and Well-Being.» As a result of the Covid-19 global pandemic, this issue has become even more crucial for the formation and training of doctors and health professionals and health policy. Jesuit Higher Education is called to make a significant contribution to the humanization of healthAs Jesuit institutions of higher learning, the universities and faculties of the Kircher Network aim to educate future doctors and health professionals who are competent and compassionate.

Under the coordination of Ander Urruticoechea, MD, PhD from the University of Deusto. The project seeks to generate an international collaborative community of faculty members on formation and training in health humanization. The group brings together faculty members from the Kircher Network’s schools of medicine and health sciences and scholars from philosophy and theology. Eighteen scholars from 12 universities and centres of the Kircher Network have joined the new group. The group held its first online meeting last February 21st.

The group will focus on developing teaching and learning competencies in «humanization in health» as part of the degrees and continuing education higher education programs offered by the Jesuit schools of medicine, health sciences, psychology, and social work.

It will aim to develop collaborative virtual teaching resources and a repository of best practices, materials, and tools for the formation of students and the training of doctors and health professionals on the humanization of health. It will also seek to develop academic reflection and research on the humanization of health.

Objectives of the group:

  • To generate an international collaborative community of faculty members and scholars working on teaching and reflection on the humanization of health.
  • To enrich the discussion on the humanization of health and its implications for the formation and training of doctors and health professionals.
  • To develop a collaborative online site with resources, materials, and tools for the formation and continuous training of students and professionals in humanized health.

To generate cooperation opportunities and exchange best practices on higher education of doctors and health sciences professionals in a humanized approach to health.


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