HEST Economy, Poverty and Ethics: Online meeting and call for articles

The HEST cluster Economy, Poverty, and Ethics gathered online to discuss a joint initiative proposal. The group coordinator, Professor Ricardo Aguado (University of Deusto), presented the proposal, which seeks to participate in an upcoming special issue of Springer’s «Humanistic Management Journal. » The issue will be titled «From Profession to Purpose: discerning the authentic self of […]

The HEST cluster Economy, Poverty, and Ethics gathered online to discuss a joint initiative proposal. The group coordinator, Professor Ricardo Aguado (University of Deusto), presented the proposal, which seeks to participate in an upcoming special issue of Springer’s «Humanistic Management Journal. » The issue will be titled «From Profession to Purpose: discerning the authentic self of economic actors in the new normal.» The theme is closely related to the Ignatian Year Anniversary. It will include articles on seven different tracks, from Catholic Social Thought and Ignatian Studies to shared value and stakeholder theory. The call for articles is opened to scholars from the universities and centres members of the Kircher Network and the Jesuit higher education institutions worldwide. The issue will offer an opportunity for scholars of Jesuit higher education institutions around the world to make a scientific contribution as part of the Ignatian Year celebration. The Journal is published in English.

Call for articles here
Are you interested in submitting an article? Contact us

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