New dean of the Pontificia Facoltà Teologica dell’Italia Meridionale – San Luigi Campus (PFTIM)

In 1985, he obtained a Licentiate in Contemporary History from the University of Freiburg (CH) with a dissertation on «Catholiques face au totalitariansme. Une partie de la presse catholique romande face au comunisme et au nationalsocialisme (1936-1941)». In 1997, Fr Imperatori obtained his Licentiate in Dogmatic Theology from the Institut d’Études Théologiques in Brussels, with a thesis on dogmatic […]

In 1985, he obtained a Licentiate in Contemporary History from the University of Freiburg (CH) with a dissertation on «Catholiques face au totalitariansme. Une partie de la presse catholique romande face au comunisme et au nationalsocialisme (1936-1941)».

In 1997, Fr Imperatori obtained his Licentiate in Dogmatic Theology from the Institut d’Études Théologiques in Brussels, with a thesis on dogmatic development in J.H. Newman and M. Blondel. In 1999, he received his Doctorate in Theology from the University of Louvain-la-Neuve. His doctoral dissertation was on the theology of history as a key to reading H. U. Von Balthasar’s theological work. At the same time, he was also a formator of young priests at the Maison St. Thérèse in Brussels while carrying out pastoral ministry at a parish in the city. He also has had various pastoral ministries, mainly in the Diocese of Shkodër.

In 2000, he was appointed Director of the School of Theology of the Interdiocesan Seminary of Shkodër. He taught modern and contemporary Church history, Fundamental Theology, Christology and Trinity, and interreligious dialogue. In collaboration with the Orthodox Academy of Durazzo and the Department of Islamic Studies at Bäder University in Tirana, Fr Imperatori worked on ecumenical and Muslim-Christian dialogue topics. He has published in several journals, mainly in the Rassegna di Teologia and La Civiltà Cattolica.


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