International Fellowship Programme for Female Leadership

The Sophia Institute Innsbruck Program provides financial support for female doctoral students from the Global South and the opportunity for communal living. In addition, female students also receive professional support through mentoring and spiritual guidance. Through internship assignments and educational opportunities in the spirit of global learning, the fellows will have the opportunity to share their perspectives with the general public.

Requirements for an application

  • international female doctoral candidate from a low or middle-income country according to the OECD DAC list (DAC List of ODA Recipients – OECD).
  • not older than 35 years at the time of application (for mothers 40 years).
  • a letter of recommendation from either an academic institution or the Diocesan bishop or respective religious superior. The recommendation should include the position the candidate is expected to fill after completing her studies.
  • a willingness to engage in the local church structure and to participate in public events.
  • initial ideas for the topic of the PhD and the language in which the thesis will be written (German, English, or another language in consultation with the future doctoral supervisor).

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