Call for papers: “God on our side? Questioning theological narratives of nationalism, populism and conservatism”

The UCSIA Summer School is a one-week mentoring program that encourages doctoral and postdoctoral students to explore interdisciplinary ways of analyzing the relationship between religion, culture, and society. Key elements of the program are expert lectures, paper presentations by the students, and individual tutoring by the faculty. The UCSIA Summer School 2024, titled God on Our Side? Questioning […]

The UCSIA Summer School is a one-week mentoring program that encourages doctoral and postdoctoral students to explore interdisciplinary ways of analyzing the relationship between religion, culture, and society.

Key elements of the program are expert lectures, paper presentations by the students, and individual tutoring by the faculty. The UCSIA Summer School 2024, titled God on Our Side? Questioning Theological Narratives of Nationalism, Populism and Conservatism, marks the start of a three-year cycle of summer schools, focused on the entanglements of religion and politics, the communities in which they take shape and function, and the injustices they entail or critique.

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