UNIJES Meeting: networking as a prophetic call

On January 20 and 21, the Jesuits assigned to UNIJES had our annual meeting. For several years now we have had this moment among fellow Jesuits to grow at the service of the mission and the growth in unity and in the sense of common mission is noticeable. This year the meeting was entitled «Networking in UNIJES as a prophetic call and as skills to develop.» The meeting wanted to be a space for reflection on networking, no longer from ideals, but from accumulated experience. The meeting took place in the “Casa de Ejercicios de las Esclavas de Cristo Rey” in Madrid.

Speakers such as Carlos Losada (delegate and president of UNIJES), John Dardis (General Councilor for Discernment and Apostolic Planning), Antonio España (P. Provincial) and Susana Ditrolio (executive secretary of the Kircher Network) participated in this meeting.

To read the whole news, please click here.

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