HEST – New Online Graduate Course on the Theology of Christian-Muslim Dialogue

The Kircher Network is glad to announce the launching of the pilot phase of this new common Course. Following the request of the deans of theology, philosophy and religious studies, the coordinators of the HEST’s cluster on Christian-Muslim Relations, Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Villagrán, SJ., Prof. Dr. Michaela Quast-Neulinger and Prof. Dr. Tobias Specker, SJ, prepared […]
The Kircher Network is glad to announce the launching of the pilot phase of this new common Course. Following the request of the deans of theology, philosophy and religious studies, the coordinators of the HEST’s cluster on Christian-Muslim Relations, Prof. Dr. Gonzalo Villagrán, SJ., Prof. Dr. Michaela Quast-Neulinger and Prof. Dr. Tobias Specker, SJ, prepared the Course.

The graduate Course will be offered during the Winter term 2021 – 2022 by the Loyola University Andalusia (Spain), Innsbruck University-Faculty of Catholic Theology (Austria) and Sankt Georgen Jesuit College of Philosophy and Theology (Germany).

The Course will be in English, and the target audience will be master and doctorate students of the Kircher Network´s member institutions. The Course’s core will be the theology of Christian-Muslim dialogue at the intersection of practical and systematic reflections. The program will take advantage of the academic experience of the different faculties of theology, philosophy and religious studies of the Kircher Network, by presenting dialogue in the different contexts in Europe and the Near East. The interdisciplinary and comparative perspectives will enrich the theological discussion.

We are very thankful to the three universities, and especially to professors Villagrán, Quast-Neulinger and Speaker for the efforts and spirit of collaboration. Our special thanks to Loyola Andalusia University for kindly hosting the Course on its Moodle platform.

The students interested in attending the Course should contact the Kircher Network Executive Secretary (kirchernetwork@jesuits.eu).

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