«International Symposium on Human Flourishing and Spirituality”
The members of the HEST group on Secularization will hold the international symposium in the Loyola University Andalusia in Seville on the 17th and 18th of June.
In recent years, the paradigm of human flourishing (eudaimonia) has attracted increasing interest. Different disciplines, with diverse theoretical (philosophical-moral) and practical (psychological and educational) approaches, have been seduced by the subject.
Although there is an agreement in understanding it as an ideal of human life, its content has not been specified in the same way by different authors. Within this broad framework, the interdisciplinary symposium will address two major issues: The identity of the spiritual subject and the contribution of spiritualties to the common good of society.
Among the central questions the participants will discuss are:
– What theories of human flourishing exist today, and how can they be critically analysed/evaluated? What are other paradigms emerging today in the face of this?
– How does this ideal fit into the secular sphere, and what power of individual and social transformation does it have? What are its limitations, if any?
– How can flourishing be promoted from educational spaces and higher education institutions? What does this imply for spirituality as its ingredient?
– What does the notion of flourishing contribute to the understanding of leadership in educational institutions?
Where: Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Sevilla
When: June 17-18, 2022.
Format: in-person meeting
Read the Call here
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