The European Liberal Education Alliance (ELEA) aims to reinvigorate and strategically develop the principles of Liberal Education as a model for higher education in Europe, through cooperation as pertains to study-programs, research and knowledge-transfer. Three pillars, illuminating ELEA’S educational and scientific, social, and organizational missions, inform our vision for a European Liberal Education in the 21st Century: Creating a Value-Based European Model of Higher Education and Research, Building Bridges in a Time of Fragmentation and Pioneering Approaches for Cooperative Higher Education Institutions.
Four institution of the Kircher Network (Hochschule für Philosophie München, Universitat Ramon Llull, Akademia Ignatianum w Krakow and the Newman Institute) and three more European universities (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Trnavská Univerzita v Trnave, Université d’Angers) and an expansive network of associated partners are members of the alliance.
They are both public and private higher education institutions with backgrounds informed by Humanist, Humboldtian and Catholic traditions. And they count on their member universities rich with history as well as some of Europe’s youngest, most dynamic higher education institutions. Their academic profiles range from classical university subjects to transdisciplinary fields working at the frontiers of knowledge.
The backgrounds of the institutions may vary, but their goal as an alliance is one. Together, they are building a transformative model of European Liberal Education for the 21st century preparing the next generation of Europe’s thinkers, problem solvers, and influential leaders.
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