PAP San Pedro Valencia: a learning environment for autonomy

Dr. Jessica Nalleli De la Torre Herrera ITESO (México)

The educational project promoted by the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente is characterized by searching for answers to social needs, with and for society. With that background, the PAPs are the mechanism through ITESO’s students carry out their learning in practice and social service in the same setting, building spaces for collaboration and learning with the actors of the place where they work and with teachers who accompany them, answering to the needs of the contexts in which they develop. On that frame, the PAP San Pedro Valencia shows how a real-life learning scenario offers space for ITESO university and communities to improve each other, building collective learning and promoting autonomy. This PAP’s trajectory, context, methodology, and educational impacts set it as an innovative learning environment, as described in this document. 

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