Globally Coordinated Projects through Virtual teams

Dr. Caren Rodrigues, Dr. Anup Krishnamurthy, and Manoj D’Souza SJ St. Joseph’s Institute of Management (India)

St. Joseph’s Institute of Management (India) has been successfully running a pedagogical innovation of globally coordinated projects through virtual teams for the last four years. Its partnering institute in the United States is the Albers School of Business and Economics (Seattle University). This initiative was conceived as a solution to solving three simultaneous problems, namely, (i) exposing students to the complexity of the global business field, (ii) consuming limited financial resources of the institutes, and (iii) retaining a Jesuit flavor and experience throughout the initiative. This initiative has now expanded to include other Jesuit institutions as well. While all the existing objectives of this initiative have been met so far, true to the Jesuit spirit of Magis, new objectives have been generated to drive this initiative even further. Lastly, through participation in initiative, students, international jury members, and the media are made aware of some of the serious societal issues that plague our generation, thereby meeting the calls-for-action sent out by the Pope every year through his encyclicals, speeches, and other messages to the global community.

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