Jahrbuch Praktische Philosophie in globaler Perspektive / Year Book Practical Philosophy in a Global Perspective
Edited by Prof. Dr. Michael Reder, Prof. Dr. Alexander Filipović, Prof. Dr. Dominik Finkelde SJ, and Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Wallacher

The yearbook has been published by Alber/Herder since 2017 and is a forum for double-blind, single-blind reviewed and invited research articles as well as interviews on topics from the field of practical philosophy with global relevance. The articles are partly in German and partly in English. The yearbook is edited by Prof. Dr. Michael Reder, Prof. Dr. Alexander Filipović, Prof. Dr. Dominik Finkelde SJ, and Prof. Dr. Dr. Johannes Wallacher as members of the advisory board of the research and study project of the Rottendorf Foundation at the HFPH, which also provides the funding. The special sections of the yearbook are on the same themes as the project’s annual conferences.