Inaugural Conference of the Best Practices webinar series on Reconciliation
Among the questions the panel will address are: What does the mission of Reconciliation imply for Jesuit higher education institutions today? How can a Jesuit university effectively participate in this universal mission? And how can they become a reconciled community itself?
The Best Practices in Jesuit Higher Education Programme is a joint global effort of IAJU that seeks to collect, share and discuss good practices in Jesuit mission integration, formation, and management developed by the IAJU universities and colleges around the world. The third issue focused on best practices for Reconciliation and Peace. It includes a total of 18 best practices from Jesuit universities around the globe. This issue is now available on the IAJU website <a title=”https://iaju.org/working-groups/best-practices-jesuit-higher-education” href=”https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://IAJU.us19.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e87d9d85c9ccb89b56ff1b0af